I've seen a lot on Facebook status and on Twitter about this funny event, it is becoming a worldwide trend.
Before there was this "No Pants Day"
It was celebrated the first Friday in May The creators of the holiday might believe there is some "inherent joy in not wearing pants." Everyone leaves their houses without pants.
Now it's "No Panty Day"
No one knows where in the hell this event came from, i had read some articles at Snopes.com, a web site discussing urban legends and Internet rumors, has yet to either debunk or verify the alleged event but the lack of verification from reputable women's rights groups and activist organizations who may have the gall to pull off such a stunt indicates that "No Panty Day" may just be a hoax.
Next comes the "No Brief/Boxers Day"
Gays and Fags are celebrating! jeeeeezzzz!